Players will start on the handicaps they’ve been issued. Then, depending on how well they do on the society day, it will determine if their handicap goes up or down.
If the players finishing in the top 3 (including Ties) score more than 36 points they will be cut depending on what position they finish and how many points over 36 they get.
1st place -3 Max
2nd Place -2 Max
3rd Place -1 Max
All players scoring less than 25 points will get +1 added to their handicaps.
Single digit handicaps can only be cut by one shot at a time.
50 point penalty - If a player reaches over 50 points or more their handicap will be slashed by 5 .
Handicaps will be reviewed each quarter using statistics from round played privately, on the iGolf app and across the society days.
This system keeps the wealth shared amongst all members.